Kaotic Kwick Kat prototype |
This is the third club project plane that the Radio Control Club of Detroit is offering to it's members. Our previous club projects planes were successful, due in part to the members joining in and participating in the part of the hobby that seemed to have vanished in recent years. The thrill of flying a plane that you personally constructed is back within our club. We have tried to offer in each plane project various options and building concepts or methods that are different from each of the previous plane projects. This diversity adds to the interest in building, along with the challenge of trying a new method of construction. It also promotes the builders to help each other during the build process, thus promoting camaraderie among the club members. One only has to look around the flying field and at the club meetings, and you will see so many members who are now participating in the club activities. We feel that these club projects also add to the camaraderie that has been experienced within our club.
After polling some members of the club, the overwhelming majority of those that were polled, wanted a multi-purpose club plane. The plane needed to be easy to build, easy to sport fly, and be capable of performing the pattern aerobatics, and still be used as a club racer. While searching for the plane that fits those requirements, many club member joined in the hunt for the best plane for this project. After reviewing all the plans, pictures and kits, submitted by the members, the plane that was most popular and would fit the requirements would be a plane that would be similar to the KAOS 40. |